Sunday, August 28, 2005

YubNub down for server move

Alright everyone, YubNub's down for a bit as our web host (TextDrive) upgrades the server on which YubNub resides ("pendrell"). Apparently the new Dell machines are going to be a lot more reliable, so we'll see a lot less downtime once it's up and running. TextDrive is posting status updates on its weblog -- look for the server named "pendrell".

This is evidently a major upgrade, so hang on tight!

Friday, August 26, 2005

First command to use ifThen command

Wow! Fuska sent me an email about a command he created called Microsiervos. The cool thing about this command is that it is the first command to use Allen Ormond's ifthen command. And it does what some of you have requested: go to one URL if an argument is given; another URL if no argument is given. I was not aware that the problem could be solved in this way. Fuska writes:
I created a new command to search in a spanish blog that I recommend you (it isn`t mine).

The interesting thing about this command is that this is the first command which uses the ifthen command. At least I didn't find any other command.

The ifthen command changes the url pointing to the main page(if there isn't search query) or to the search page

The code of the command is this:{ifThen -value1 %s -value2 -test NOTEQUAL -then /msmt/mt-search.cgi%3FIncludeBlogs=1%26search=%s}

And this is the man page:
I'm really impressed! It takes a village to build a command line!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Jon away Aug 18-22

I'll be away August 18-22 at the Foo Camp tech conference in Sebastopol, California. If you send me an email I might not have a chance to get back to you until I'm back home in Victoria.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

PlayStation Portable integration

Brenden Mecleary has created a YubNub page optimized for PlayStation Portables. Brenden writes: "Yubnub seemed a good choice because (a) I think it's a really killer idea and (b) text entry on the PSP is a nightmare, so anything to save a few keystrokes is welcome, and YN seems well-suited to that.".

Allen Ormond's programmatic commands

Allen Ormond has written some new commands that are programming-language-like. Is YubNub turning into a scripting language?
  • ifthen - if statement
  • strleft - returns the left portion of the string
  • strright - returns the right portion of the string
  • strlength - returns the length of the string

Friday, August 12, 2005

YubNub server status

The web server on which YubNub sits is having some problems. The name of the server is Pendrell -- status updates here:

Saturday, August 06, 2005

YubNub Search Bar - works in any browser

Inspired by Felipe Gomes' Google Command Line, Sean O'Hagan has written a neat YubNub search-bar that lives at the bottom of your browser. The neat thing about it is that it works in almost any browser, because it uses a simple HTML frame. To start it up, simply type cmdline into YubNub. Then try typing "gim porsche" into the command-line at the bottom of the screen (or a URL like

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Update to Jeremy's Picks of the Best YubNub Commands

Jeremy Hussell has updated his list of the best YubNub commands.