Monday, June 27, 2005

Dashboard widget (OSX)

Ciro Mondueri has made a pretty Mac OS X Tiger widget to access YubNub!

It's called "MiniDashNub". Ciro is planning to add AJAX and namespaces to it. Cool!


Blogger Jonathan said...


Hey, we share the same taste in blog templates!

7/01/2005 10:19 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd like a calendar (or cal) command that works like the Unix cal. But I could not find any good sites.

7/25/2005 9:41 p.m.  
Blogger Jonathan said...

Someone with a web server could make a cal command that simply delegates to the real unix version... Send me an email if you really want it and I will cook it up for you.

7/26/2005 12:52 a.m.  

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