Monday, November 21, 2005

YubNub Bookmarklet by Brian Armknecht

Brian Armknecht has written a bookmarklet for YubNub (works on Firefox; doesn't seem to work on IE). Brian writes: "There are occasions where I'd like to perform a YubNub command on some text on a webpage (e.g. a word I'd like to define, or an address I'd like to map). I created a new YubNub bookmarklet for this. First highlight the text, then click the bookmarklet. A dialogue box pops up to ask the YubNub command to be used. It then performs that command on the highlighted text.". Thanks Brian!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

the bookmarklet does seem to work for IE...

1/09/2006 10:00 a.m.  
Blogger Jonathan said...

Brian's bookmarklet works for IE? Great!

1/10/2006 2:59 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yubnub user Hopf created two new YubNub bookmarklets that should avoid any foreign-language encoding issues that the original might have. The new bookmarklets can be found here:
YubNub Bookmarklets

See this Google Groups discussion for background.

9/21/2006 6:08 p.m.  

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